I am currently investigating the CRISPR 9 case to target my gene of interest for knockout. The vector being used is lentiCRISPR v2puro. I digested and dephosphorylated 5ug of the lentiviral CRISPR plasmid with BsmBI,Subsequently, I ran a gel electrophoresis as shown in the attached image.

Following this, I excised the larger band and stored it at -20°C overnight. The next step involved purifying the gel using a Promega kit. During the purification process, I added 500ul of membrane binding solution, briefly vortexed the mixture, and then incubated it on a heating block at 88°C for approximately 25 minutes until the gel slice completely dissolved.

The DNA concentration for 5ug was measured at 30.144 ng/μl, with a 260/280 ratio of 1.70 and a 260/230 ratio of 1.26.

Next, I performed phosphorylation and annealing of each pair of oligos, which were then diluted to a 1:200 ratio. The two target sequences are as follows:

  • gCTATGTGGTCGGAGAAACGT (I added "g" as it did not start with "g"). For the forward primer, CACC was added to the 5' end, and for the reverse primer, AAAC was added to the 5' end.Forward: CACCGCTATGTGGTCGGAGAAACGT Reverse: AAACACGTTTCTCCGACCACATAGC
  • GTTTTGGTTCAGACTCGAGG (I did not add "g" as it already starts with "g").Forward: CACCGTTTTGGTTCAGACTCGAGG Reverse: AAACCCTCGAGTCTGAACCAAAAC
  • I have heard that it is recommended to add "g" to target sequences even if they already start with "g", as omitting it could result in a lack of colonies after transformation. is that correct ?

    The third step involved ligating the sequences using Quick Ligase. In the ligation reaction, a 1:3 ratio was used, so 2.2 ul of vector and 6.8 ul of insert DNA were added, along with 10ul of ligation reaction buffer and 1ul of Quick Ligase, making the total reaction volume 20ul. The mixture was then incubated at room temperature for 1 hour before adding 50 ul of DH5a cells. Heat shock was performed by incubating on ice for 30 minutes, followed by a 30-second incubation in a 42°C water bath and then back on ice for 2 minutes. Subsequently, 250 ul of prewarmed LB media was added, and the mixture was incubated on a shaker at 37°C for 1 hour. The resulting solution was then spread onto LB agar plates containing Ampicillin (100 μg/mL) and incubated in an incubator at 37°C overnight. Colonies were obtained for the positive control using pUC19, but not for the sample.

    During this this procedure If anyone has any insights into why colonies were not obtained your input would be greatly appreciated.

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