01 January 1970 18 7K Report

There is a growing number of open source platforms for scientific publishing such as Mendeley, Academia.edu and Research Gate entering the market. Researchers and scientists are now bypassing the traditional channels of editors and peer reviewed processes. The power is to the researcher, scientist and writer what he or she publishes or not.

But how do you guarantee the quality of what is published. And is there a ranking system for these platform as you have for scientific journals such as https://www.scimagojr.com. And if there is not one, how would you rank the open source platforms available for scientific publishing?

Besides open source publishing there is also open acces publishing. There is the assumption that together they have the power to change the landscape of science: publishing and the use (consumption).

What do countries, universities and traditional publishing companies do to facilitate the changing environment concerning the open source and access development of publishing?

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