7 Questions 133 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Manjula Wijewickrema
What are the FREE and easy to use software packages that available to compare the appropriateness of a number of regression models without writing scripts/commands? For example, STATGRAPHICS (not...
11 October 2021 9,479 4 View
Hi, I need to export information included in more than 150000 documents that belong to more than 250 journals from Scopus (in CSV format). However, Scopus allows to export only 2000 documents at a...
10 May 2020 5,036 3 View
Hi, Normalized Discounted Cumulative Gain (NDCG) allows each retrieved document to have a graded relevance for performance calculations. Someone told me that it usually assigns relevance grades...
15 February 2019 4,704 0 View
HI, Non -parametric test, Mann-Whitney U can be used to compare differences between two independent groups when the dependent variable is either continuos or ordinal. What is the equivalent...
20 December 2018 9,442 4 View
Hello, I have values for two variables with a non-normal distribution. So, the non-parametric Mann-Whitney U test was applied to check for statistically significant differences between the two...
08 February 2018 3,716 10 View
Hi, I need to classify a collection of documents into predefined subjects. The classification is based on TF-IDF. How can I determine whether unigrams or bigrams or trigrams...or n-grams would be...
17 March 2017 1,177 7 View
I have a data set of 129 authors with different years of publishing experience and how importantly they consider the factor 'peer-reviewed' while selecting a journal to publish (these answers are...
13 February 2017 4,352 6 View