15 Questions 162 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Rudi Darson
Is there a code for development, certain things you must do to develop and sustain a system, an economic area, for instance? And if there is a code, what does it look like? Is there an algorithm...
12 November 2023 8,630 5 View
Research Interest Score, citations and h-index as scientific indicators on RG Now the three most important scientific indicators on Research Gate are the Research Interest Score, citation, and...
29 October 2023 5,387 11 View
According to Neil deGrasse Tyson, astro physicist, if you want to do something expensive and it doesn’t fulfill one of these three drivers it’s not going to be funded: a. I don’t wanna die: when...
01 February 2023 949 1 View
In the twenty first century we already had to deal with SARS and ebola and now there is the coronavirus pandemic. What can we do to stop a further outbreak and where can we find reliable...
05 March 2020 9,434 9 View
Since 2000 I have been involved in two projects, one in Suriname to help revitalize a small city, Moengo (Mungo) in Suriname (since 2000) and a shopping street in Rotterdam, the Netherlands (since...
28 February 2020 5,636 6 View
According to Thomas Kuhn, the growth of science depends not only on the linear progression of knowledge creation but also on scientific revolutions, which he called paradigm shifts (The Structure...
24 August 2019 3,736 67 View
Philosophy of the sciences The hypothesis I make here is that if you understand the philosophical background of your scientific field of study, it will help you in doing better research, in the...
02 August 2019 8,215 98 View
In the past when you wanted to do research you had to rely on books (hard copies) and on the library or libraries. You had to spend your time there, digging in books. While libraries and books are...
02 August 2019 6,569 5 View
In science, scientific writing as a tool to produce, communicate and preserve scientific results is important and so are books and other sources that show us how to do it. The Chicago Manual of...
31 July 2019 7,536 24 View
Urban Sociology deals very much with the development of inner cities. The Chicago School of Urban Sociology is famous for its approach about the subject. Aspects such as social alienation, class...
06 August 2015 8,543 8 View
Education is often seen as an important instrument for civilization and for the building of human capital for development. But there is also criticism. Bryan Kaplan has written a book called ‘The...
01 January 1970 735 13 View
'When should a theory be ranked as scientific?' This question was put forward by Sir Karl Popper in his contribution to the book 'Philosophy of Science' (Martin Curd & J.A. Cover, ed. 2012)...
01 January 1970 6,373 20 View
Western Philosophy has its foundation in the Greek world and Greek philosophers such as Aristotle, Plato and Aristotle were its founders and it deals with idea's such as epistemology (knowledge),...
01 January 1970 4,643 10 View
All of a sudden everybody is talking about ChatGTP as an application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and about AI. Governments and all sorts of businesses are delighted but also concerned about...
01 January 1970 8,532 28 View
There is a growing number of open source platforms for scientific publishing such as Mendeley, Academia.edu and Research Gate entering the market. Researchers and scientists are now bypassing the...
01 January 1970 7,244 18 View