01 January 2013 13 5K Report

I'm trying to clone a 20 kb mouse targeting vector and it's giving me quite a hard time.

I was wondering about two things:

First, does anyone know of a particularly stable plasmid vector that could contain a 17-18 kb insert? I assume stable means low copy number, but I can't find any real information on that. Perhaps there are ways to design a plasmid to be more stable de-novo? Can anyone comment on generating 20 kb plasmids? I know it's difficult and I've been treating all of the preps as if they were BAC preps but it seems like my transformed bacteria keep kicking out parts of the insert.

Second, has anyone had a problem with electroporating bacteria and getting multiple transformant colonies? My minipreps show that every colony I get afterwards has an empty vector of some sort as well as something that resembles my target. But every time I try and isolate that one, the empty vector outcompetes and I loose it.

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