I'm trying to PCR a 4kb stretch of mouse genomic dna from a BAC prep using accuprime or phusion. In my first PCR, I will get a relatively low yielding product, with much more smaller off-target bands. When I gel extract this and get a decent (for a gel extraction :P) yield of ~40 ng/ul. When I run the second round of PCR using the exact same conditions and primers, I get absolutely no product, and only the smaller off-target bands.
I've been told that this can be solved with using nested or semi-nested primers. Has anyone had any experience with trying to do this as well and if there are other options too? Even better would be a possible reason :P
The only possibility I can think of is that the GE product is not pure, and the higher efficiency of a 400-800 amplicon is so much greater than a 4 kb one, that it outcompetes. My problem with this is that the contaminating smaller amplicon must be orders of magnitude more dilute than my product...
Thanks all!