11 November 2013 6 4K Report

I am doing practice runs of an ES cell lysis protocol that I am planning on using for southern blot analysis.

I get the standard spidery precipitated DNA after addition of isopropanol, I spin it down and resuspend in ~30 ul tris buffer. It goes from a compact nice white pellet to this cloudy goop which is literally a single gooey entity. It's only pipettable using a wide-bore 1 ml pipette, all others get stuck and don't work.

I highly doubt it is protein contamination, as the pellet I get is a super nice, small dense one. My question is, I would love to do PCR screening first before southern blots, but how on earth are you supposed to pipette a micro-liter of goop that doesn't even detach itself?

Lysis buffer: 100 mM NaCl, 50 mM tris, 10 mM EDTA, .5% SDS, 5 mg/ml PK. Digest O/N at 56C.

Precipitate with isop->spin down, wash x3 with 70% EtOH, resuspend.

Any help?

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