28 July 2016 6 7K Report

Hello dears.

I did run SDS-PAGE gel yesterday, after staining the gel and destaining the gel i saw that protein's bands did not migrate to the

end of the gel and they have just migrated half of the gel and protein marker too.i don't know why it is happening to my gels.

I have changed my buffers and made a fresh buffer and acrylamide too and then run the gel but the same result obtained to my gel.

Could you please help me with this? what is the reason of this problem? it has not been occurred to me since i have started my job.my protein molecular weight is 38-39kD and i don't know if i have my protein presented on this gel or not.

Do i have my protein band on lane 1 and 3?

lane 1 and 3 are T4 (4 hours after induction) and lane 2 and 4 are T0 (before induction).

The protein marker that i've used is Thermoscientific Unstained Protein Molecular Weight Marker 26610.

Protocol i have used for SDS-PAGE buffers and acrylamide obtained from "Short Protocol in Cell Biology" book,is it a good

source for protocol?

i have attached protocol and gel pictures.

Thanks in advance.

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