I have data on whole skeletal muscle tissue concentration of phosphatidylcholine (PC) and phosphatidylethanolamine (PE).
I do not have data on subcellular concentrations of PC and PE.
Still, I like to know how many percentage of the total concentration of PC or PE in the cell is accounted for by i.e. mitochondria, ER, plasma membrane etc.
Do anyone know a study addressing this question? My guess is that a study like this was performed in the 1970-90s.
I am looking for something like this:
Mitochondria: 50% of all PC and PE in the cell i located in the mitochondria.
ER: 30% of all PC and PE in the cell i located in the ER
Plasma membrane: 20% of all PC and PE in the cell i located in the plasma membrane.
Thank you!