10 Questions 149 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Vicente Mendoza Reyes
What evolutionary pressure(s) selected for this asymmetrical configuration and size of the two human lungs? Is this lung asymmetry also present in lower mammals, such as dogs, cats and mice?
06 September 2018 4,277 2 View
Mt. Kilauea seems to just spew largely lava, which then spreads on to the surrounding land, while Mt. Pinatubo produced lots of volcanic ash or "lahar", which were ejected high up into the air...
27 May 2018 500 1 View
If it can be resolved into simple sinusoids, it might be possible to predict stock market behavior, even if only with partial success. But I am sure that there is a straight line component with a...
09 May 2018 3,476 3 View
Basically, I would like to know the core courses that a medical or health informatics major must take in order to be awarded the BS and MS degrees in the field. Thanks much!
04 May 2018 7,053 6 View
We all know that the interior of the earth is composed of exceedingly hot molten iron, and that the tendency of heat is to diffuse from hot to cold. Humans cannot control the cooling of the earth,...
24 June 2017 5,338 16 View
If effort is to be graded, how do we measure it objectively and fairly?
01 May 2017 571 12 View
Speciation is the splitting of a single species into two species and qualifies as a bifurcation phenomenon. Has bifurcation theory ever been applied to speciation? If so, how? Any published...
01 April 2017 5,431 3 View
During the first few years of the 21st century, right after the completion of the human genome sequence, there was a lot of talk (and hype) about "personalized medicine" -- the tailoring of the...
12 February 2017 9,431 15 View
Why are we unable to visualize higher dimensional space? Is there any special feature or structure in the visuo-spatial area of our brain that limits our perception of the world in only...
04 February 2017 7,898 4 View
Pancreatic cancer is a worst type of cancer because it kills in a very short time, and there is currently no early detection method that I know where surgery can make a difference.
10 January 2017 2,115 3 View