meraculous is latest assembler which is working good , we can control the amount of ram used and tread in it, so far i m finding it out very good. other which is SGA which stood 3rd on assemblathon behind allpath and soap . you can try that here is one usefull link
for polishing 454 by illumina you can try mira. use 454 for denovo assembly and illumina for mapping it is done by mira. i have to look into it , as i remember i have done this before. i havent been able to run allpath , not enough suport or manual is avilable whch can clear hwo to run.
if you have 128 GB RAm then u can assemble 250-300 MB genome size organism . after that we r unable to assemble large genome. but if u try meraclous it will do also SGA is also good and MSR-CA
is there any software can use illumina consensus to create fake 454 reads ? Read from paper but sofware not listed.
allpath need two input file, one is "jumper reads", it can not work with single library input.
MSR-CA is modify version of celera Assembler 6.1, CABOG is 7.1.
The computer I use only hv 12GB RAM and single quadcore >.< Straight away heng for yeast illumina data assembly.
by the way, do you know how to use SSpace basic for extension scaffolding, bcoz i failed to make the progamme able to use the input reads to extend the scaffold.