I am pretty new to molecular biology techniques and just when I think I have it all figured out, something stumps me. This is how this gel (1.5% agarose) is loaded:
1. GeneRuler ready to use cat# SM0333
2. empty
3. pGEX-2T digested with BamHI
4. pGEX-2T digested with EcoRI
5. Undigested pGEX-2T isolated from BL21(DE3) using Qiagen miniprep kit
6. Digested PCR product
7. Digested PCR product
8. pGEX-2T digested with BamHI and EcoRI
Gel stained with SYBR Safe and imaged using blue channel on LiCOR odyssey.
I am confused as to why the linear DNA in lanes 3 and 4 is running smaller than the undigested DNA. I'm also confused as to exactly what the two bands are in lane 5? Please help.