07 July 2014 5 9K Report

I usually transfer my gel at constant 300 mA for an hour and a half, using a 10% Tris-glycine gel. I use 15% Methanol. So after I transferred and blocked my blot, I incubated the blot with two different antibodies (seperately) overnight and tried to detect any bands. I used regular ECL and also ECL Prime and I exposed it for as long as 20 minutes. Usually, using the antibodies I use, I can detect bands using regular ECL while exposing the blot for two minutes only. I'm really confused. When I used Ponceau stain to check if my protein even transferred, I see even bands showing really good transfer. However, I cannot detect any bands using different antibodies (all fresh dilutions, nothing re-used). So I know it is not an issue with the antibody because I made a large dilution and used it for other blots and It worked for them. Any Advice?

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