I injected my rat via intravenous tail vein injection with an AAV2-CBA-GFP virus... waited 14 days for viral infection and then perfused my rat with PBS to wash out the blood and 4% PFA to fix all tissues. Post fixed the liver overnight in 4% PFA made in 0.2M PO4, sucrose cryoprotection, embedded in OCT and sectioned 10 µm sections.
When i was performing GFP staining with anti-GFP primary antibody and Alexa-488 conjugated secondary antibody I could not see any GFP signal in my green channel. All cells were fluorescing green, even in my negative control sample where I did not inject the virus.
I used 0.3M glycine to quench during my IF protocol.
Can anyone help me in reducing background fluorescence in the liver?