Hi all,

I'm doing immunocytochemistry to detect and visualize my protein of interest in SH-Sy5y cells, however I faced two problems:

First, growing of SH-Sy5y cells on glass coverslips, which many of them washing off during the process. I coated the coverslips with Poly-D-Lysin for 2 hrs before loading cells on them. But I saw many of cells are lifting during ICC. How to prevent it?

Can I use Fibronectin or Matrigel instead of Poly-D-Lysin? Which one is better for my application?

Second, after finishing the process, when I'm looked at slides under fluorescent microscope, the image intensity is very very low, I could not see the proteins at all. Only can visualized cells with DAPI.

I'm using Triton X-100 (0.5%) for cell membrane permeability (incubate for 1hr at R.T), incubate with primary antibody (1:250) overnight at 4C, incubate with secondary antibody (1:500) 2 hr at R.T. My secondary antibody in conjugated with Alexa flour 488.

I appreciate your help in advance

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