Good day Sir/Maám,
I am using Fastgene PCR/ Gel Extraction Kit in order for me to purify DNA from PCR Product (I had a total of 50 ul solution). However, I am getting a low concentration 10 to 15 ng/ul.
I used this PCR product as a template to run another round of RACE PCR (using ~10 ng per 10ul total solution. In this case I prepared a total of 150ul solution using Amplitaq Gold 360 kit) with the same Fw and Rv Primers and 20 cycles (instead of 30-35 cycles).
This procedure was suggested to me to increase my DNA concentration, however, I am still getting a low concentration (20 ng/ul to 30 ng/ul).
I need to atleast increase my DNA from PCR product concentration to 300 ng/ul.
Any other suggestions?
Thank you very much!