The problem when using cell lines is that you have to consider that you are applying different treatment at the same experimental units. They are not independent groups.
I would guess that for what you describe the proper analysis would be a Repeated Measures ANOVA. And compare all groups to control column. Here is a link where they describe a little bit of theory, I don’t know what software you have for analyzing data. I generally use graphpad. You should look for a tutorial on how to perform that analysis on your software.
You could also do a regression analysis of concentration vs proliferation , using the individual data (not the means). The model used would depend on the shape of the dose response curve (eg linear, log linear, polynomial.
any standard software could do this
first check that there is an effect at the high dose level, or a saturation effect..
Your question, of course, must be brief. However, it did not have sufficient information to suggest an analysis. For example, it is not clear that the 8 means are based on equal replication. Nor is it clear whether the cell cultures are independent, perhaps after using a multi-well plate, of if single cell cultures were treated more than once. Regression, and analysis of variance have both been suggested, but they do require that similar assumptions be met. It might help to have a person knowledgeable in statistics examine your data.