Pir Hassan Ali Shah live post, call for a question in your city about: What is the top problem, question, issue, add, advance, or share your point of view on subjects of money, economics, finance, and accounting in today time in all new global complex business image and market world environment setting on the map of the world wide web? I need help, support, answer, feedback, review and post from all people who like, are high tech expert, master with job, or doctor in the field of money, economics, finance, and accounting.
All family members who see video and news, friends with mobile phone, associates, colleagues, scholars, bachelor, master, and graduate students who do shopping of books, researchers, teachers of schools, professors of college and university, deans, faculty, staff, alumni, PhD and Mphil scholars, contact group that connect, social media groups, other groups, and the general public who come across top problem, question, issue, on subjects of money, economics, finance, and accounting in today time in all new global complex business image and market world environment setting search tools on the map of the world wide web but don't have any idea as what is the public problem and how to deal with top problem, question or issue.