11 November 2017 9 338 Report

I am studying vasculogenic potential of cancer stem cells, and so I culture stem cell spheres on Matrigel. After several days, they form 3D tube structures into the gel.

Inhibition of my protein of interest prevents this tube formation, so I want to interrogate the various angiogenic kinase pathways to see what is being changed between my control and my treated group.

However, phospho-RTK are notoriously unstable and so traditionally Western Blot cell collection has to be done very quickly on ice to preserve the phosphorylation.

What I need is a method to get my cells out of the matrigel (its a soft substrate and they grow INTO it, so I can't just scrape them) so I can lyse them without actually changing them. Accutase (or Trypsin or Versene) won't be effective because a) they can degrade the extracellular RTKs and change their activation and b) it takes too long at 37oC so receptors can lose their phospo groups.

BD has a 4oC cell recovery solution but it takes an hour - could this potentially work?

Thank you for any help you all can provide!

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