I am isolating plasma membrane proteins from mouse hippocampus using kit from Abcam. I am interested in oligomeric forms of the protein connexin 43 (mol wt 43). It forms a hexamer (called connexon, theoretical mol weight 258 kDa) and dodecamer (when 2 connexons from neighbouring cells dock on each other, theoretical molecular weight 516 kDa).

I keep voltage constant (150V for first 60 min and then 250V volts till the end) during the gel run. My gel does not run completely. There is thick line of coomassie at the gel (dye) front. The run stops when dye front is 1 or 2 cm above the end of the gel. I am using  Novex Bis Tris Native gradient mini gels (4-16%)

There are other problems that I am facing: 1) streaking (only for 1 membrane protein namely Connexin43, other protein b catenine shows nice bands) 2) Ladder is very faint even after loading 12 ul 3) Wierd hour glass like bands in the upper part of gel. I've prepared a table of experimental condtions and attached blot images with it. Kindly have a look at the attached excel sheet.

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