16 Questions 35 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Tushar Deshpande
First reported in 1987, the Endothelial Barrier Antigen (EBA) is expressed in brain endothelium and is downregulated in ischemic stroke. Its expression is negatively correlated with BBB...
31 August 2023 5,633 1 View
Fluorescent tracers (sodium fluorescein and Dextrans) are usually injected into the lateral tail vein of the mouse. The tracers are allowed to circulate for 30 minutes before trans cardiac...
14 August 2023 7,762 0 View
MCA and other arteries coming from circle of Willis arise from the base of the brain (ventral mouse brain). Do they travel along the skull bone, then penetrate the bone and underlying meninges...
24 April 2023 9,114 2 View
Consider a single cell RNA seq data with a control and a test sample. These are integrated to minimize the batch effect. Reads have been normalized to the sequencing depth. One can compare the...
23 September 2021 1,846 3 View
Which connexins do bEND5 cells express? Are there any special culture conditions required for them to form gap junctions?
09 September 2021 5,801 5 View
I want to measure gap junctional permeability of cells in culture. Lucifer yellow (dilithium salt) has maximum solubility in water. However, it seems appropriate to use PBS for my purpose. Has...
23 August 2021 896 2 View
Canonical wnt signaling involves stabilization of beta catenin in the cytoplasm and its subsequent translocation to the nucleus where it acts in concert with other transcription factors. Level of...
09 March 2021 6,977 1 View
Microwell seq (Han et al., 2018, Cell, Han et al., Nature 2020) is definitely cheaper than 10x system. There are advantages: The micropillars used for fabricating agarose wells can be used many...
16 April 2020 6,590 2 View
Pathophysiologcal role of ET-1 has been well studied (stroke, TBI). However, how much ET-1 contributes to cerebral blood flow in brain in comparison with other vasoregulators is an interesting...
10 February 2020 4,653 0 View
Is there a comprehensive (perhaps proteomics-based) approach that will screen out autoantibodies from blood and also (reliably) predict their target? I am interested in autoantibodies against CNS...
18 August 2017 887 1 View
cGMP activates PKG. What attributes of "activated" PKG can be detected by IHC? For example, the attached paper mentions that binding of 2 cGMPs to PKG, releases the autoinhibitory domain of the R...
21 April 2016 8,136 4 View
Lectin (Lycopersicon esculentum lectin) is the most widely used tool to visualize blood vessels. It is known that lectins bind to glycoproteins located in the glycocalyx and in the basal membrane...
15 October 2015 9,493 6 View
I am isolating plasma membrane proteins from mouse hippocampus using kit from Abcam. I am interested in oligomeric forms of the protein connexin 43 (mol wt 43). It forms a hexamer (called...
13 March 2015 5,963 13 View
Few things about blue native page I couldn't find at all. First, why do we have separate cathode and anode buffers (in traditional SDS PAGE tris-glycine is the only buffer) in BN PAGE?. Moreover,...
18 August 2014 7,376 11 View
I am trying to separate membrane and cytosolic proteins from mouse hippocampus. Attached is the brief procedure. My question is how do I ensure that membrane fraction is devoid of cytosolic...
03 July 2014 8,084 3 View
I am using a low pH elution buffer (pH 2.8) for eluting an antigen of interest. There's heavy contamination of antibody in the elute as detected by Western blot. Can I submit this elute (as such...
26 June 2014 1,757 8 View