I want to prepare 1/2 MS supplemented with PEG, in % (1.5, 3.0, 4.5 and 6.0). I read in an article (J. Exp. Bot. (2000) 51 (350): 1555-1562) that equal volume (i.e., PEG volume= volume of 1/2 MS media in the solidified plate) of filter sterilized(PEG is unstable at high temperature) PEG should be poured over the solidified half MS plate. This plate should be kept for 24 hours (at what temperature the plate should be stored after pouring PEG?) for the PEG to diffuse into the half MS media.
Further, another paper (http://www.gantlet.org/protocols/pegp.pdf) says that to obtained required concentration of PEG in media, add twice the concentration of PEG.
Am I following the right protocol? Could any one help in smoothing the protocol based on what I wrote above. Your valuable comments are awaited!
Thanks a lot!