Suppose, I want to discuss the regulation role of the methylation status for a CpG, Do you know how to methylate or demethylate for certain CpG? a.k.a Fixed-Point methylation or demethylation to a CpG site.
using modified TALEN or CRISPR. I can only find the paper for TALEN mediated, but I thought I had already seen the same strategy applied to CRISPR a few months. If you can't find it, it is probably a few weeks away with the speed crispr is moving.
Article Optical Control of Mammalian Endogenous Transcription and Ep...
Article Locus-specific editing of histone modifications at endogenou...
using modified TALEN or CRISPR. I can only find the paper for TALEN mediated, but I thought I had already seen the same strategy applied to CRISPR a few months. If you can't find it, it is probably a few weeks away with the speed crispr is moving.
Article Optical Control of Mammalian Endogenous Transcription and Ep...
Article Locus-specific editing of histone modifications at endogenou...
I agree with Nathan Sweeney. You can use modified CRISPR system with inactivated Cas9 fused to your DNA methylase. Efficiency and off-targeting could be problems, so you might need genome sequencing to confirm the result.