18 Questions 5 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Shicheng Guo
Is there any recommended pipeline or procedure for Illumina methylation 450K array analysis. and What we can do as a analyst when we obtain some methylation 450K array for some paired case and...
01 January 2015 4,858 9 View
As we know that Methylation 27K and 450K has been widely used in genome-wide DNA methylation detection. However, they are still very small compared with whole genome CpG sites. Is there any larger...
01 January 2015 6,281 0 View
Is there anyone can give me a help to make a pathway analysis with Ingenuity Pathway Analysis System. Happy new year. Best regards,
01 January 2015 5,646 3 View
Dear my colleagues, Is there any website that can provide the secondary structure of pre-microRNA with the fancy colors and loops as the following figure. Any suggestion, please send to...
01 January 2015 3,873 4 View
Suppose, I want to discuss the regulation role of the methylation status for a CpG, Do you know how to methylate or demethylate for certain CpG? a.k.a Fixed-Point methylation or demethylation to...
01 January 2015 2,625 3 View
Usually, when we conducted candidate gene based association study, we need to estimate the sample size and the power. Is it necessary to do it when we conduct GWAS study? If yes, is there any...
01 January 2015 7,619 2 View
We can get the elements (genes) of each pathway of KEGG from KEGG website of UCSC database. However, how can we get the network relationship in the form of network for KEGG pathway as the...
01 January 2015 2,707 3 View
DNA methylation was involved in the evolution of duplicate genes, gene expression, miRNA network stability. Question, Is there any great article to discuss The Relationship between DNA Methylation...
01 January 2015 3,859 1 View
Suppose you have built a network based on gene expression or protein interaction. How can I compare the current network with that from KEGG? Is there any statistics or software? Best regards,
01 January 2015 161 3 View
As we know, case-control based genetic epidemiological studies has played important role in susceptibility factor identification. Now, would you mind suggesting some helpful R packages to do SNP...
01 January 2015 746 3 View
Which pipeline is a suitable one for miRNA-seq analysis? CAP-miRSeq, miRNAkey or others?
01 January 2015 185 4 View
Recently I have come cross some illumina ominzhonghua genotype idat file. How can I parse these idat files. I have tried to use the R package of illuminaio with the following code. However, I...
12 December 2014 7,234 2 View
As large number of articles evidence, a panel of biomarkers can be used for cancer diagnosis or outcome prediction. In such situation, How to design the study and How to estimate the requried...
11 November 2014 2,879 6 View
How to determine the threshold for binary discremination in pyrosequencing methylation analysis (PMA)? As we known, pyrosequencing will refer continuous signal for DNA methylation in a specific...
11 November 2014 8,372 1 View
Recently our group got a set of Schizophrenia data with .nii extension. This is the first time we deal with this kind of data, so we have some questions: 1. Are these dwi data or dti data? 2....
05 May 2014 6,968 2 View
For some design reason, both age and gender are non-matched in case and control. So how can I discover the association of the target with my covariants of interest?
01 January 2013 886 1 View
As you known, there have been lots of articles discussing "Association study design" and "Linkage analysis study design". What about "exon-sequencing project design"? 1. the sample collection...
01 January 2013 7,955 4 View
Would you mind giving some description on the lastest progress on Cancer screening for cancer in USA or European?
01 January 2012 9,833 1 View