We are running qPCR with SYBRGreen to amplify an inserted 12S ribosomal DNA region of a plasmid. When we ran this amplification for the first time (in duplicate), one replicate looked fine while the other presented with negative RFU values, shifting the entire axis (see qPCR 4-2-18 image). We thought this may have been due to problems with SYBR, so we repeated the experiment with a new tube of SYBR. While the replicates using the "problematic" SYBR were fine, the "new" SYBR presented results similar to those seen on 4/2 (see qPCR 4-3-18). Approximately 14 ng of plasmid/DNA were loaded for each sample.

Has anyone ever seen this problem where the RFUs are negative like this?

Thank you for any assistance you may be able to provide.

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