We have used MycoRazor to treat a Mycoplasma contamination before. One of the cell lines required a second treatment because the contamination reappeared. I can't tell you which antibiotic is the best, but the authors of this study report they had the best results under their conditions when they used Plasmocure. They also cite several other studies which compare other antibiotics. I hope it helps! Article Effectiveness Of Plasmocure™ In Elimination Of Mycoplasma Sp...
We are using two cicle of BM cyclin tratment (attached file) and it work quite well.
of you are interested i recently update on my blog https://proteocool.blogspot.com/?m=1
a simple per test to routinelly check your culture for micoplasma contamination (ProteoCool n 18 at page 5) which can certanilly be used also after treatment to check if it is works.