The definitions of the term "THE MASSES" given in dictionaries have not allowed me to carry out specific socio-economic analyses which require a broader approach to the term. That is why I’ve created my own definition of this term, based on the "Independent Decision Criterion", which allows distinguishing people belonging to the masses from people outside the masses.
Here is the definition:
“THE MASSES" include a large group of common people who in order to increase their self-confidence and secure their own future prefer to follow generally prevailing trends and ideas, preached to all and sundry by hailed "authorities" and their followers, rather than to follow logic and reason. Such a group of humans, called “THE MASSES”, although consists of a significant number of lower class people in the social hierarchy, comprises also a number of people from upper socio-economic level, including well-educated members.”
In each group of people as, e.g., low and well-educated, rich and poor, we can find both individualists and those who can easily be steered by others as well as criminals, fanatics, or mentally sick. That’s why we have prisons, scientific institutions, churches, and psychiatric hospitals in all countries around the world. If we would restrict the concept of the masses to only the lower class people in the social order then we would act against the natural distribution of the human character traits in a population which is determined by the Gauss statistical distribution. As known, the fashion (shape) of the Gauss' "NAPOLEON HAT" changes dependently on the tested population. For example, in a population of one million low-educated people, the frequency of occurring individuals who are capable of making their own, independent decisions, as one can expect, will be lower than in the corresponding population of well-educated people.
Since the masses (as defined above) can be easily convinced of any, even, stupid idea, they're deemed to be "great and valuable" voters and followers of ideas, beliefs, or behaviors, even if they would annihilate human life.
> more, i.a., in books:
Diapositives ( conçues par JEAN-MARC © ŒUVRES D'ART