For the people belonging to the masses, regardless of their origin, tradition, beliefs, ideologies, education or social position, obsessed with a religious or a political idea, affiliation with radical movements gives them an impression of a sense of superiority. Then they feel fulfilled, satisfied, and proud of themselves. Such a state of mind may be caused by the overvalued idea, i.e. a false or exaggerated belief sustained beyond reason or logic. People, possessed by the overvalued idea, called "Soldiers of Guru" or Soldiers of God”, share in common hatred of otherness and the untamed, wild desire for supremacy over others. This may be due to, i.a., social patterning and susceptibility to extremely radical propaganda or indoctrination. Such fanatics can easily be pulled into extreme radical and violent actions in the name of the professed idea, especially when they:

undergo a personal crisis, psychological and behavioral problems obsessively, even morbidly want to make changes and do something different, although they really have no clue what that would be feel alienated are influenced by the media, authorities or religious and political leaders want to be appreciated, change their identity, or take revenge for wrongs suffered.

In religiously and politically driven movements, a "Soldier of God" or "Soldier of Guru", under the influence of the overvalued idea, infatuated with his God or Guru, strongly convinced of his "holy" or "patriotic" mission, experiences the "Syndrome of Greatness". And that is a sign of the extreme mind state, leading the soldier to blind fanaticism and hatred of people of opposite views, which in certain situations may provoke him to commit cruel crimes in the name of a fanatically professed idea.

Although the personalities of fanatics are correct, they often show psychopathic tendencies and in some cases, their fanaticism may take a specific form of paranoia. This is due to the fact that fanatic or paranoiac exhibits a deep conviction of rightness in a particular matter. If such a person meets the opposite situation/behavior than expected, then the overvalued idea inflames an irrational behavior and in some cases may take the form of psychosis with delusional symptoms, which certainly requires psychiatric treatment.

In contrast to delusion, the overvalued idea is susceptible to the effects of the social environment. That's why fanatics, possessed by this idea can be treated through introducing them to alternative, liberal ideas, and opportunities and ipso facto encourage them to change views and abandon their radical religious and political organizations. Well-prepared prepared social, educational, and economic programs should support and serve this purpose. Unfortunately, even the best-thought-out programs will not change the views of all the fanatics, but they will certainly limit their violent activity to some extent. To make these socio-economic-educational programs more effective, they should be combined with other actions taken, e.g., at the government level.

From the dawn of human history, the extreme political ideas and inciting hatred against otherness have been used to control the behavior of people incapable of thinking for themselves, deprived of an alternative to self-realization. Such the people, belonging to the “the masses”, are only a minor element in the game for power and money, in which the benefits are not intended for them, but for their leaders on behalf of whom they protest or fight. That's why these people need real help to get rid of the harmful ideas that lead them nowhere.

The recent attack on Capital has not produced the results expected by Trump. The American democracy defended itself from destruction. Trump is, luckily so far, out of the White House, remaining with millions of dollars in his bank accounts on the contrary to his devoted “soldiers”, mostly coming from a lower social class, who have stormed the U.S. Capital in D.C. These people have been left with nothing but their "junk jobs" and nightmare dreams, saturated with the extreme ideas of nationalism and the White Christianity. Unfortunately, they stay at full battle readiness to fight against anyone who sees things differently than they do. If we don’t stop them, the future will be unacceptable by a democratic society.

> more on this subject in my books:

· SEDNO (THE POINT) Printed Ed. 2012.





Diapositives ( conçues par JEAN-MARC © ŒUVRES D'ART

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