Let me preface this by saying I am not a biochemist.   My logic may be very incorrect, but I'm looking for some guidance from someone who has a much stronger grasp on this field.    Or if anyone can point me toward an appropriate reference.   It's not an easy topic to google search; too many unrelated results.

My question is more of a curiosity.  I am wondering whether the behavior/concentration ROS like super-oxide and others (the more reactive species) would interact with the ambient proton concentration in a cellular compartment.  To put this question another way, I'm wondering if decreasing the pH would tend to "quench"/reduce the generation of highly reactive and potentially damaging species.  

Isn't this essentially what antioxidant  compounds do?   They function as proton donors?   I suspect there is a deeper level of information related to the energetic exchange that I'm not aware of.     

To also ask the reverse question:  Would the biological generation of ROS/RNS (say, via mitochondrial dysfunction) alter the availability of protons/influence the local pH? 

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