Background: I have been working with SVM classifiers of microarray data for about 2 years. After a week-long search of the literature, I'm only beginning to appreciate the complexity of selecting features (genes) based on their performance within a kernel space. For example, Recursive Feature Elimination is widely-used, but ( I understand...) does not appear to adequately account for the predictive behavior of 'feature sets' in kernel space; instead it evaluates features individually and eliminates the least informative without consideration of behavior within the kernel (please correct me if I misunderstand this).

Immediate problem: I want to identify a feature selection method that can be applied (in a methodologically/mathematically-appropriate way) across linear, radial and polynomial kernels (see above concern related to RFE feature selection).

Overall goal: I want to use a modification of an 'ensemble approach' (Abeel, 2009) in order to identify the most 'generalizable' kernel parameters and features based on cumulative prediction on k-number of externally withheld bootstraps from an original sample. Then I would like to re-model using only the best 'generalizing parameters and features' and deploy the predictor on an SVM-naive test subset for a 'true validation of generalizability.' Ideally, I hope to see a reduction in the magnitude of the typical 'drop off' observed between the training set and the test set.

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