I happen to be thinking about autism and other disorders with considerable SNP heritability.   I'm curious to hear people's thoughts.   Mine are below:  

One might assume the affected cases are similar for both types of studies... However I recall some mention that "intact families" (those participating in a family-based study) might have probands with more milder disorder (because more severe disorder might place greater stress on the family unit, contributing to families breaking apart).    Also, related individuals (siblings) would typically be removed from a case-control design. 

For diseases that are heritable, unaffected parents in a family-based design seem like they might have a higher SNP-mediated burden for disease as compare with a control randomly drawn from the relevant ancestral population.    In fact, some parents may have a mild form of the phenotype.  [This seems like it would "fuzzy" the GWAS contrast]. 

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