I use SEM to image gold nanoparticles on glass surfaces. I've attached a high res image at 30000X mag. Based on the scale bar, you can see I'm sampling an area of about 15um X 10um. In my post below, I attached a zoomed region that of 1um X 1um to show the type of resolution I get out of these images.
My question is, with a modern AFM, would I be able to get this type of resolution at the same magnification? I know that AFM gives great resolution at high magnification, but would one be able to give similar resolution and depth of field at 30000X? If so, how long would you think it would take to acquire such an image (ie scan time)? I don't have any AFM experience.
This image was taken on a fairly new Zeiss SEM; how would it compare to the standard commercially available AFM's?