It was not possible to see any expected band for the target, with a very low molecular weight (8-12 kD), by WB. The membrane was very clean after incubation with Ab-I-AbII. Probably we lost the protein during the electrophoresis because of its size. Then we decided to use Dot Blot and we got very nice dots for that Ab-I. We know that Dot Blot is a simple and quick assay that may be employed to determine if antibodies and detection system are effective and to determine appropriate starting concentration of primary antibody for western blot.

But with clean strips for a certain Ab (so, no aspecific bands), Would Dot Blot be of help when WB does not work to get information/indication of that target after drug treatment? If so, How is it possible to argue this problem?do you have references about Dot Blot please?

Thank you in advance

Best Regards


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