I am transfecting E9 cells with K44a with pcDNA 3.1 backbone. The transfection reagent is PEI, the purity of the plasmid is 1.9 and conc is 340 ng/ul. I used 0.5 and 1 ug conc of Plasmid and 1.5 and 3 ug of PEI made up in plain DMEM per wells in 96 well plate and simulatenously did the same set up with PEI alone.
After 8 hrs of transfection, in wells transfected with plasmid + PEI, I could not find any cell attached to the surface and they are not even floating, but they are normal in PEI alone treated wells. They didn't recover even after supplementing normal media after 8 hrs of transfection. After 36 hrs the situation was worse, and all the cells had shrunk.
I used HiPurA endotoxin free plasmid purification kit.