12 Questions 77 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Kalpita R Karan
I am able to obtain multiple vcf files detecting mutations in individuals. Each person has similar chromosomal but different mutation. I want to merge all these output files to either a csv or...
22 March 2020 1,701 6 View
Are there differences in nuclear and mitochondrial DNA digestion by DNases? I want to test if enzymes can digest mtDNA. If they do, then is it with similar propensity to nuclear or there may be...
09 December 2017 3,898 4 View
How does brain sense teh temperature through scalp? Any ruote map? From skin, we have fibres running from skin through spinal cord and to brain reaching somatosensory cortex. Is it same when...
05 December 2014 9,571 3 View
Can removal of Mg2+ ion from external buffers help in this regard? How much endogenous glutamate influences NMDA activation. My holding potential is -80mV.
05 November 2014 3,914 12 View
I am trying to see colocalization of two proteins in confocal where one is a fusion GFP transfected and the other stained for the endogenous and detected using Alexa 568. I am no able to see...
06 June 2014 4,996 3 View
I am looking for some inputs on pulsing protocols for glutamate induced anion currents in whole cell patch clamp.
10 May 2014 7,949 11 View
At a particular conc. I am getting different values of uptake rate in two different experiments. One is uptake experiment where 'X' is used in 10uM conc. Another is saturation kinetics from 5-50uM...
19 September 2013 7,445 6 View
I am looking for some marker suggestions for using it in confocal as well as western blotting enriching the membrane. I work with rat glioma cell line as well as HEK293T cell line.
06 August 2013 8,757 10 View
I want to use AED CBZ for my experiments and treat cells with this drug. I want to know what is the best solvent for it. I face some problems determining the right conc. of the drug.
13 March 2013 4,732 1 View
If the cells are neither fixed nor permeabilized, can a protein specific antibody bind and can an Alexa based fluorophore recognize it? Can live cell imaging work without a GFP-fusion protein or...
06 November 2012 4,854 5 View
While I am following the trizol method for protein isolation during RNA isolation from EBV cell lines. I am curious as to what is the best method to obtain proteins simultaneously while processing...
23 October 2012 4,012 14 View
What are the important points to be noted while looking at the uncoupled anion currents? The assay will require transfection and over-expression of a membrane protein. A ligand induced current...
11 October 2012 3,425 18 View