can anyone recommend a good introduction to demographic modelling in population genetics? I am mainly interested in books but paper suggestions are also welcome.Thanks a lot!
You may have found many great books and papers since you have been opening the present topic, so I just take the liberty to share a few suggestions here just in case this could be of help for you or anyone else.
This recently edited book: has a Chapter dedicated to demographic inference using genomic data, which present the main coalescent-based methods to reconstruct population histories and infer parameters (I can send you the book in pdf format if you are interested).
Also, Yann Bourgeois and Khaled Hazzouri have published a Preprint (Article Going down the rabbit hole: a review on methods characterizi...
) with a review about demographic inference methods.
From a more 'technical' point of view, this book: provides many examples of forward-in-time population genetics simulations, mainly using the software SimuPOP.
I could also recommend this review from Hoban et al. (2012) about various simulation tools and their use regarding demographic inference :
thank you so much! That is indeed very helpful! Yes, it would be great if you could share the book chapter you mentioned with me. Wonderful! Thanks a lot again!