7 Questions 15 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Belinda Kahnt
Dear all, I am currently searching for software that can date my RAxML tree data set (100 trees, ~3,000 taxa) . I already tried using treePL but encounter an error that I was not able to solve...
03 December 2021 1,314 2 View
Dear all, can anyone recommend a good introduction to demographic modelling in population genetics? I am mainly interested in books but paper suggestions are also welcome.Thanks a lot! Best...
11 June 2020 8,781 2 View
Dear all, I have a list of taxa for which I would like to download the gene sequences for a specific gene (e.g. 28S gene) from NCBI. Is there an easy way to do a batch download or do I have to...
16 January 2019 4,368 5 View
Dear all, I generated pooled RADSeq data for two populations (20 individuals per pool) of a South African bee species with the aim to identify loci under selection using an FST-outlier approach. I...
01 February 2017 7,151 3 View
Dear all, I am currently trying to run the MASURCA assembler with my Illumina paired-end reads. The first steps work fine but when it comes to the error correction with Quorum the program reports...
14 July 2016 7,828 2 View
Dear all, I aim to amplify several nuclear genes (500-1100 bp) for dried museum specimens of the bee genus Rediviva (family: Melittidae). We got one middle leg per specimen for extraction...
30 June 2016 6,924 6 View
I'm planning to do a population genetic analyses (genetic differentiation, diversity) on a bee species using SNP markers. Furthermore, I aim to identify genes under selection. For population...
07 May 2014 9,405 10 View