01 January 1970 7 8K Report

1. Is it allowed to use the two-sided p-values of a binary logistic regression to answer a one-sided hypothesis? On the internet, the results are mixed. Some people argue against one-sided (one-tailed) hypothesis but I based the one-sided (one-tailed) effect on literature. I think it is also strange to use the two-sided sig. when the hypothesis is one-sided (right?).

I know the p-values are two-sided in a binary logistic regression, but can be used to calculate the one-sided p-values (two-sided p-value/2 or effect in the opposite direction: one-sided p-value = 1 - (two-sided p-value/2)).

To illustrate:

H1: The majority of the emotions displayed in the computer-morphs are recognized by participants, but the emotions anger, happiness, surprise, disgust and sadness have a higher recognition rate than fear.

Independent variable: Emotion type (6 levels; anger, fear, happiness, surprise, disgust and sadness). Fear is the reference category.

Dependent variable: score. Correct recognition of an emotion received 1, incorrect 0 (= reference category).

(ignore the other independent variable in the images. Not the point here).

People were asked to watch computer-morphs (videos that go from a neutral face to a 100% emotional expression face) and to indicate which emotion they saw in one morph. They could choose between 6 answer options (representing the emotions described above). If they gave the correct answer and thus recognized the emotion --> correct --> 1 in the dataset.

These are my results (I used bootstrapping because of the ceiling effect, see image 1). Reference = Fear, Anger = 1, Happiness = 2, Surprise = 3, Disgust = 4, Sadness = 5. Ignore the condition number variable.

In this case, I would divide the bootstrapped sig. (2-tailed) results by 2(See image 2). It can be seen that only sadness (number 5) goes from insignificant to significant (p-value/2 = 0.093/2 = 0.047). However, the 95% CI still indicates insignificance (I don’t know how to change that, any tips are welcome!). Thus, the likelihood that participants could correctly recognize the facial emotional expressions increased for sadness compared to fear. Surprise (number 3) is even more insignificant (1-(.347/2) = .827).

2. Out of curiosity because I have never seen anyone do it: can you test an one-sided hypothesis and a two-sided hypothesis with only one binary logistic regression analysis?

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