5 Questions 8 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Lisa Neve
For a small project, I have to calculate a few things via SPSS. However, I am not sure which tests to use. I have multiple variables. Independent variable: categorical variable with two levels....
13 March 2020 7,355 3 View
1. Is it allowed to use the two-sided p-values of a binary logistic regression to answer a one-sided hypothesis? On the internet, the results are mixed. Some people argue against one-sided...
01 January 1970 8,243 7 View
Dear all, 1. I am examining if people can recognize six emotional robot gestures (anger, happiness, surprise, fear, sadness and disgust). Participants saw a video and had to indicate which...
01 January 1970 10,030 6 View
What if the Cronbach's Alpha of a scale (4-items) measuring a control variable is between the .40 -.50 in your research. However, the scale is the same scale used in previous research in which the...
01 January 1970 2,347 5 View
For my research, I have to compare multiple groups (between) and some factors within those groups. I will try to explain it as good as possible. Independent variable: group. There are two groups:...
01 January 1970 1,229 0 View