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Questions related to Statistical Software
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01 January 2021 6,522 12 View
I mean, how do I put the dropped out participants' outcome (Missing value) in my analysis? Although I have already known what's ITTA meaning, I still don't know how to do it. Which methods should...
24 November 2020 10,217 5 View
Greetings! Currently, I am conducting a meta-analysis on the association between BMI and prognosis. I discovered that the studies used various cut-offs. However, only two studies are eligible for...
21 August 2020 4,594 3 View
I want to know about the statistical software which is user friendly and widely use for cluster and path analysis of the data set.
01 July 2020 2,288 13 View
Hello, I am having micro RNA data sets of control and patients now I am interested into analyzing micro RNA as a biomarker for a particular disease. I have already delta delta CT values for...
01 July 2020 8,219 2 View
I have been using Aabel (Gigawhiz) plotting and statistical software. However, it is Mac OS centric and cannot be installed on a PC. I like this software because it enables me to directly select a...
20 June 2020 3,599 4 View
Hello, I am looking for an Origin like Soft to use in my Macbook, preferably some that can be downloaded...
20 May 2020 7,431 6 View
If you use different tools for different steps (sampling selection, weighting, estimation, etc.), please specify the breakdown.
20 May 2020 8,905 3 View
I am running a regression in Stata. As the dependent variable, I have the market share of smartphones (quarterly) for Apple and Samsung, and independent variables are Functional improvements and...
05 May 2020 4,525 3 View
Many of us are doing ongoing prospective research, yet COVID-19 has paused our work for a while or even months because of the city shut-down. There is an unexpected huge increase in lost to...
13 April 2020 7,849 4 View
I'm trying to calculate an average of nine different numerical variables as a new variable in Stata (version 14). Some of these nine variables have missing values. I would like Stata to divide the...
26 March 2020 6,832 2 View
I am writing a systematic review paper to demonstrate the global increase in drug-resistant E. coli over the past 20 years. I would like to show that in a line graph for the six WHO regions. I...
16 February 2020 6,739 3 View
İ am working on a binominal regression analysis for a retrospective study. Outcome has two option. Positive or negative. İn my Best regression model that i have found there are a continuous and...
10 December 2019 976 3 View
What are the various statistical software systems available which will allow you to enter regression weight, w, in weighted least squares (WLS) regression, in addition to SAS? . Thank you to...
14 October 2019 4,591 13 View
I'm aware of a package in R called 'productivity' that does malmquist however, I'm looking to conduct Luenberger productivity and Luenberger-Hicks-Moorsten productivity, which this package does...
07 August 2019 4,041 3 View
i'm looking for a book with a combination of easy to understand theory and some examples with statistical softwares about bayesian structural equation modeling.
06 August 2019 7,525 5 View
Hello all, I am running a Geographically Weighted Regression and calibrating the bandwidth of my models using GW.model R functions. After some tests and playing around with the data, I...
17 May 2019 3,853 1 View
I tried PAST3 but I want to deal with other software, preferably free software
01 May 2019 5,396 3 View
Dear All, Kindly suggest a good statistical software to analyse data collected from an augmented field designed experiment ?
30 April 2019 3,299 8 View
HI, I am analyzing data related to a project entitled "Assessment of stigma, fear and discrimination among healthcare workers towards PLWHIV". We are planning to associate socio-demographic...
22 April 2019 1,823 2 View
I am looking to explore my alignments and tree data more carefully and I was wondering if there was any genomic statistical packages that may give me more inside into the data I generated in the...
16 April 2019 3,743 3 View
There are different software to carry out confirmatory analyzes, such as SPSS AMOS, which sometimes are insufficient for the publication requirements of some journals. What would be the most...
12 March 2019 5,414 13 View
I coordinate field operations for a farm with more than 5000 acres of blueberries and cranberries, divided into a number of fields ranging from 10 - 125 acres each. I was hoping to bring in a new...
13 February 2019 7,155 3 View
Dear Colleagues, I have the data as outlined below. Could you help how I can manually calculate without using any statistical software the OR and 95%CI for the following additive models: 1. GG vs...
03 January 2019 1,241 2 View