I am purifying a PCR product using Quiaquick gel purification protocol. I began with a high concentration of amplified DNA segment- I verified my results using both gel electrophoresis ( to verify the length - ~400 nt) and also ran a nanodrop - which indciated that I had pure DNA. I then ran the Quiaquick Gel purification protocol - I did use Isopropanol, but only washed - not wanting to loose any of my DNA. After I finished the protocol I ran a sample of the purified product on a Gel. The bands from the Gel of the purified product matched the results from before- indicating that I shoudl have successfully purified my DNA product. However, I also ran a sample of my purified porduct thorugh the nanodrop spectrophotometer, which indicated that I had pure RNA- not the DNA I thought I had purified/ started with. Does anyone have an explanation for why this may have happened? Could this be caused by the isopropanol or perhaps by not washing the DNA enough to remove something that could skew my results? Any tips on how to ensure this does not happen again?

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