Good parenting is the key requirement of a good family, a good society and a good country. Be good parents for you, your kids, you society as well as your country and the civilization.
We may give pieces of advice for our family members. But they are always given the freedom to choose the specialization according to their own interest. They are normally guided but not obliged.
We may give pieces of advice for our family members. But they are always given the freedom to choose the specialization according to their own interest. They are normally guided but not obliged.
Yes, good advice may be given and it should be conscious that human right not be violated by anyway. There should be a freedom in the free but secured environment.
Yes there are the good advises for the kids . But, by the same time, they should be guided at the best , be along with always, give enough time in the playing ( if the ya re children) , teaching norms and values of the society, etc.
Thank you for your important, entycing question, dear Md Zafar Alam Bhuiyan !
I'm thrilled to answer, at a time when we tend to rethink on good decisions to take for the New Year.
Yes, I am indeed worried for this novel generation of youngsters who prefer virtual "realities", rather than true conventional values, such as virtue, honesty or Faith.
They disbelieve any kind of advise we try to offer.
Their religious belief is for virtual contacts.
This year, for Christmas I offered books and chocolates. But they imediately returned to their tablets, even if just for the same authors in the form of e-books. ..
As I try not to contradict too much, I simply asked wether there is greater pleasure than turning the paper pages of a real book, while savouring a bar of chocolate. (I got no answer ! )
Your real budget is your life-time; do not engage in the materialist consumer society. Stay healthy, learn a lot and earn the means to live a happy and simple life. Make no alliance with evil forces, even if diamonds are offered as reward.
This thinking that good parenting is the key requirement of a good family, a good society and a good country is partially true. During my lifetime, in my country the strategy about the society changes every year and politicians make several corrective laws during the year. Therefore, what can I say to my kids about the future ? I do not even know myself about the next semester. So, please correct your question with the following: If the country is serious...………………..
Nazia Asad Hazim Al Dilaimy Amir W. Al-Khafaji Maria Bettencourt Pires Bushra A Hasan
I am really anxious as a father for my kids in future. They are in 18 yrs and 13 yrs age. few day back, I had a chance to go outside of the country. But I didn't go as my kids will be misguided or their mother is not enough to guide them alone. I want my kids will be raised as good human with honor, humanity, knowledge and self-esteem in the society. Pls keep them in your prayers.
Yes, madam, children are much advanced today and thanks to the technology of their age. But the happy news is that you are guiding them seriously so that they can best use their time.
Definitely we have a limitation with the budget and our kids should be aware this in their guidance from parents side. Once again, yes for the best accompany still I will prefer books , good human and than others.
I am very concerned about children's addiction to smart phone and AI-driven Virtual Reality in the near future. As a mother, a rigorous education for their ethics and virtue is demanded.
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Nirmala S.V.S.G Amir W. Al-Khafaji Hazim Al Dilaimy Nazia Asad Aung Ze Ya Bushra A Hasan Maria Bettencourt Pires Marwah Firas Abdullah Al-Rawe AL Timimi Zahra
Thanks for your excellent contributions. family is the center point of the development of country worldwide. So, we should concentrate on family.
There is a constitution in life: We identify with our behavior ,how others behave with us. So half of our children's behavior reflects our behavior, and the other is related or genetic.
Yes, we are all anxious for achieving a good future for my sons. I usually give them some directions, but they choose their own future without forcing them to my own interests.
If you're worried about your child's future Note should be made: Parents are the framework of life 1 Do not be negative and critical. 2. Tell your studies 3. Live in a romantic way 4. Say I can 5. Do not blame your neighbors and others for their problems
You are absolutely right. Thanks for your good suggestions. I support this from my heart. on the other hand, to be worried for the kids is never a negative impulse by the parents. Better, It will create scope to be attentive for the kids and their future.
No, I'm not anxious, but I am angry, because all this permissive upbringing of children means complete disaster for future generations. Everything is allowed now and we (the parents) must have complete understanding for everything. This is the consequence of relativism, individualism, materialism and more or less exclusion and even, or moreover, mockery of positive traditionalism and nurturing of traditional values such as: honour, hard labour, dedication, veracity and respect. Sometimes, when I have to tell NO, I’m always telling that word with love and care to my children, but not because I want to deny something to children. But, when my children goes out with their friends, they are treated like the black sheep in flog of the white sheep. They are always coming from some party or some event in shock “Oh my God, Dad, I’ve seen this or that… or; I don’t understand how these people can do this or that… or; I was told I am stupid because I refused to do that… because I thought that was not right, etc., etc.” What are the consequences of such permissions to youth? A lot of unmarried men and women who are just living their “individual” lives and chasing their careers without any other goal than to proof themselves, or to others, they can do this or that, mostly, without care about somebody else. Increasing of divorces because of occupation with individual needs but not of the needs of family. After that, increasing of suicides because when somebody lost the ground below his/hers feet, he/she doesn’t have anybody to tell him/her “Look, it must be the way out. Let’s find it. There is always a hope.”, and on the other hand; increasing of synthetic families “My job, my working team, my friends, my… I don’t know what… is my family” which are not families at all. Well maybe those synthetic families could be a sort of tribes, but they are not families according to sociological definition and if we want even in theological sense (under the term theological I mean all confessions, i.e. Jewish, Christian and Islamic, and even Hindu and Buddhist). So, that’s something which makes me angry (!). As a father of the family, I am fighting against that “tendency” and I’m not anxious, but yes I am very angry.
I do not have my own children but I have a Goddaughter, nieces/nephews, and their kids. I think that we have come to a point where we have to decide is overindulgence and overconsumption the route we want to continue to take or can we teach discipline and concern for others to save ourselves? There is an old saying that I am very fond of and it goes like this: John Brunner, 20th century British science fiction author:
There are two kinds of fools, one that says, "This is old, and therefore good.” And one that says, "This is new, and therefore better.” Is technology saving us or killing us? We have to make better decisions about how we use resources, provide/teach others to make better decisions, and incorporate kindness into our decision-making. We must learn to mentor/teach again unselfishly to discern the good from the bad and be brave enough to make better choices. Otherwise, the next generation will have little hope of correcting the long-term repercussions of centuries of neglect to earth, animals, and people.
With due respect to a woman , I always say by born a woman is a mother. She has the softness , dedication and affections for the kids. If you are teacher , then we can say , you are a teacher playing a significant role with the students.
I signify your very good saying : ""We have to make better decisions about how we use resources, provide/teach others to make better decisions, and incorporate kindness into our decision-making. We must learn to mentor/teach again unselfishly to discern the good from the bad and be brave enough to make better choices. Otherwise, the next generation will have little hope of correcting the long-term repercussions of centuries of neglect to earth, animals, and people. ""
Dear Sir, children are always in the emotional stance . They are delicated , soft minded always . Pls dont be angry with them. This is the age in which we were not born. Our kids are coming in this world with super technologies. For technology, environment and other distortions , children out-tracked . So, I think there should have a good motivations. I think you know better than me. By our anger, we can only fire them to burn !!!! Pls dont do that.
Parents should learn continuously to keep up with the era in which their children live. Everything is nowady easily available for children, which leaves parents in front of very difficult situations.