I have seen most my students take their breakfast after 11 am. I have asked them. Almost all of them replied that they had no tendency to take it early morning.
Yes, Dr. Zafar sir, you have observed a true fact in our society. Not only children but also I have seen many youngs and adults are not taken breakfast in time, Which lead to many health related abnormalities. A balanced breakfast is extremely important for making a person active, healthy and smart.
A major reason is priority ordering. From a personal survey study, most people especially students understand the place of early preparation for the day and prompt attendance to classes in achieving set goals of academic excellence.
Многие из моих студентов, стремятся завтракать в сообществе. Поэтому завтракают не дома, а в университете между занятиями. В этом случае завтрак рассматривается не только как приём пищи, но и элемент коммуникации между субъектами, имеющими равный статус.
Some if not most students tend to be busy in the morning (being in a hurry to get to class early). This may also be a factor in skipping breakfast. They have breakfast around 11 am because class usually breaks around that time.
Samir M. Ismail Eddie-Williams Owiredu Hassan Izzeddin Sarsak Marwah Firas Abdullah Al-Rawe Muhammad Abdullah Al Mamun
1.Another major cause may be family tradition. I have seen many family are late riser in the morning (except the job holder early in the morning). They allow the members to take breakfast even at noon.
Food intake does not appear to be simply regulated by a homeostatic energy balance mechanism. Otherwise, appetite would be greatest in the morning following the extended overnight fast, whereas humans typically are not hungriest in the morning, breakfast is usually the smallest meal of the day—accounting for only 16–18% of the daily calories. Md Zafar Alam Bhuiyan
Yes, Family culture and culture of the society, profession of the person, family type, nature of the food and family economic condition also the considering factors.
Traditionally, breakfast skipping has been considered to contribute to various cardiometabolic conditions including obesity and type 2 diabetes not only in children and adolescents, but also in adults including the elderly.
Breakfast skipping, late-night dinner eating, and short duration of sleep have attracted attention because they elicit similar health risks:
Dear, Md Zafar Alam Bhuiyan, I have similar observations for my students, too. I think it's a habit. I don't think it's true. I think one of the conditions to start the day vigorously is to have a good breakfast.
I think is kind of habit that somebody get used to it, although taking breakfast in the morning is a healthy way to keep and maintain normal body functions