22 Questions 1K Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Maria Bettencourt Pires
I should like to know your opinion... Thank you!
01 January 2017 6,489 71 View
When we think that Science is "man-made" and dependent on human work for research, one could conclude that our rapidly "changing" and evolving World can change humans and their approach to...
12 December 2016 7,563 94 View
Apoptosis, or (Programed Cell Death) is a well established fact for most organic tissues... Is there Programed cell death in adult brain cells? What would you do or how would you cope if you were...
04 April 2016 5,502 89 View
Most would agree that learning (constant learning) is inherent to any scientific activity. Communicating results, also apply; Should Teaching also apply to a scientific job description? Should...
12 December 2015 2,459 84 View
My father, a chemical Engineer, always told me that in order to understand Chemistry, one must first learn how to cook - and vice-versa-... (the vice-versa part is what puzzles me most...) When we...
12 December 2015 8,358 81 View
As a positive thinker, and a believer in human nature, I should think it possible and desirable that our lives could be devoted to improve the World in which we live... Nevertheless, live's...
09 September 2015 2,160 92 View
Why do some scientists prefer to keep their discoveries silent? What moves us? Is the number of publications and conferences an indicator of scientific quality? Or is quantity the enemy of quality?
08 August 2015 9,355 78 View
When I finnished my medical course, I was happy, and I thought I knew it all. Now, I'm happy, because I know with certainty that I don't know much... (I still hope to learn, some)
08 August 2015 8,190 99 View
Two of my previous questions were on the influence of emotions and/or of superstition, on a scientific mind. Many of the answers we got were absolutely surprisingly unique and brilliant. I...
07 July 2015 9,900 89 View
I have always been , myself, a very emotional character with strong pendant for the artistic side of life. Nevertheless, I have also since very early, felt a strong interest for scientific...
06 June 2015 791 88 View
"One of the first things a biomedical researcher learns is that it’s very hard to grow most human cells in the lab for an extended period. In fact, once removed from the human body, most cells...
04 April 2015 6,067 34 View
We all need some rest and serenity, between our stressful daily tasks. Some will go fishing, others would watch television, go out with family, others prefer sleeping... I sleep a lot, but while...
03 March 2015 6,442 88 View
I would very much appreciate your views.
02 February 2015 7,058 82 View
Should we say Goodbye? shouldn't we? Rondel de l'adieu Partir, c'est mourir un peu,C'est mourir à ce qu'on aime :On laisse un peu de soi-mêmeEn toute heure et dans tout lieu. C'est toujours le...
02 February 2015 1,159 93 View
I have noticed that several intelligent people can simultaneously behave in an "oversensitive" way. On my own particular case, I had to take a step backwards, before entering the room of my PhD...
01 January 2015 843 90 View
There's a popular quote saying that in the first half of our life, we learn, and in the second half, we live. Can't /or shouldn't one live without learning, without wisdom? Don't fools survive? I...
01 January 2015 5,464 91 View
With the advent of the first Universities, universitary studies were considered to help build high level humanistic personalities, with broad views of the world in which they lived, and worked or...
01 January 2015 3,428 87 View
This evolutionary question has been reverberating on my mind, ever since I read Frank R. Wilson's theories in the Book entitled «The Hand, How its use shapes the brain, language, and human...
12 December 2014 3,562 83 View
Would modern Science, as we know it go down the drain? Are we spending too much money on materials and methods for scientific research? Should we revise our approach to scientific research and...
12 December 2014 7,616 82 View
I do remember starting my first bibliographic researches with hand notes on Libraries. Nowadays, I wouldn't cope with this, in terms of timing. But it did help my flow of ideas, and theoretical...
12 December 2014 9,744 92 View
Are Anthropology, History, Medicine, Philosophy, Engineering, Linguistics, Sociology or Theology ... «stamp-collecting»? So... what is Science ?
11 November 2014 9,485 48 View
Have you noticed that, in Human cultures, qualitative leaps strictly relate to times when human dissection is performed? I think, of course, of the Egyptian and ancient Greek culture, or the...
10 October 2014 7,680 49 View