13 Questions 163 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Beth Ann Fiedler
While social convention dictates that we wear clothing, should we be destroying the environment for it?...
12 December 2018 2,749 8 View
For me, I would have taken more classes that were specifically labeled as Statistics classes and not under the program track (though they were very helpful but they don't count if you want to...
06 June 2018 1,890 2 View
Many publishing houses are pushing Open Access leaving the author/subject matter expert without compensation. Is there a moral obligation for the educated to volunteer a year or more of their...
02 February 2018 10,093 1 View
The ability for faculty to obtain grants and funding is important. However, funding is often behind cutting edge research or may be personal to the researcher. How can researchers build better...
07 July 2016 6,093 15 View
Test scores have gone down in the US even as money allocated per child for education has massively increased. Are we properly holding students accountable for their education by grading on a curve?
03 March 2016 7,265 26 View
Different journals have word limits that force cuts in new documents and preliminary information is often times already published in a previous document. Is it acceptable to introduce your own...
07 July 2015 8,491 0 View
If interested, please contact me through this venue. Beth Ann Fiedler, PhD
04 April 2015 3,342 9 View
If you edit and substantially rewrite a paper to make it publishable, including the addition of resources, should you get co-authorship even if you are paid for editing?
09 September 2014 3,655 10 View
A recent survey has significantly less than expected participation due to unrest at national borders and time constraints on nationals acting on my behalf in that country. What is your opinion on...
09 September 2014 7,929 10 View
I have seen several ads referring to DOMO as a better method for tracking data vs. Excel Spreadsheets because it has the capacity to inform decision-making. Has anyone seen a demo and/or used the...
07 July 2014 8,107 3 View
Conditions to be accepted as an editor require the ability to generate new concepts and a certain level of experience measured by the H-level. Journals are also expected to arranges for subject...
01 January 1970 8,244 12 View
As a doctoral student, I learned the ropes of research by project participation. I understood I had to pay my dues and that even after I graduate there would be times in which I would be called...
01 January 1970 7,304 4 View
Ever wonder where to start? how? The CDC offers many challenges for subject matter experts to contribute to policy, monitoring, and other objectives. Reporting illegal fishing is one way you can...
01 January 1970 632 17 View