Yes. Ethics are part of the culture and may differ from one culture to another to some extent. For example quid pro quo is shunned by most employers in the USA and politicians have been chastised or punished for such behaviors. In some other cultures that is the norm where you scratch my back and I scratch your back in exchange.Thus societal norms vary from culture to culture and country to country which in turn dictate the values.
In the process of developing humanity with increasing satisfaction with products (food, shelter, home, culture), cultural values develop. Feathered and dressed people have time for science and culture. Maslow has explained exactly this in his pyramid.
Good question, yes, I truly believe ethics depends on family, social and cultural perspective. From my point of view, religion has totally failed to develop ethics in people. Family values, quality education and social obligation can make human being more ethical. Thanks.
Hmm. I am going to have to disagree. Cultural and social values may lead to ethical decisions in a specific population but these social norms do not always translate across cultures. For example, some cultures will favor business deals with people from their own area or religion and give less of a deal or no deal at all to someone outside of their social circle. Culturally acceptable to 'value their own first' in these cases but not necessarily ethical. These items, in my opinion, are not interchangeable and are very case specific.
Not really......better to say, not always. After achieving much of his career feats, Albert Einstein said, "I have never obtained any ethical values from my scientific work".
We may or may not agree with this great scientist. But if we critically analyse his statement by employing our wisdom derived out of our life and experience over time, it will definitely make sense of what he wanted to say.
We can also take the statement of G B Shaw. He said, "Man is unique in that he has plans, purpose and goals which require the need for criteria of choice. The need for ethical value is within man whose future may largely be determined by the choice he make".
So our thoughts, our words, our work have their own spirit, own dynamic pace. They creates the fundamental pillars. Culture and social values act only as catalysts to expedite the process of development.
Depletion of ethics has deteriorated the humanity and thats why we are passing the hardest time. Social values have been eroded and once I am afraid about the forthcoming days. Where have gone these days ?
Yes, you are absolutely right with the saying of the famous people as they said many days ago. In fact, their ages were good and society are different. We are the people of the subcontinent people which family customs are famous around the world. Nothing we have the showmanship in our society. We never deceived anyone as British did.
Yes, because Ethics refer to the way an organization conducts its business: how they treat people, interact with communities, impact the environment, do deals, and make money.