38 Questions 2K Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Han Ping Fung
What are the study scope differences between Actuarial Science vs Data Science? What are the job descriptions, roles & responsibilities' differences between Actuarial Scientist vs Data Scientist?
05 May 2017 2,684 5 View
Recently ResearcherGate (RG) replaced the “Likes / Dislikes” with “Recommend” for an answer or a question posted. At the same time, the total recommendation on the right hand side of each answer...
02 February 2017 9,493 3 View
Some people claim they can differentiate the Intelligence Quotient (IQ) & Emotional Quotient (EQ) of their dogs. I also have similar subjective experience as my home have 3 dogs. Is there any...
01 January 2017 5,426 2 View
Bigfoot (sometimes also addressed as Sasquatch, Yeti etc. different names in different geographical areas) is a large, hairy, bipedal cryptid ape or hominid-like creature that is claimed to...
01 January 2017 1,880 3 View
We know there is a pyramid of data -> information -> knowledge -> wisdom. Knowledge contents & logical rules can be deposited / programmed into knowledge bases / expert systems. Some...
10 October 2016 5,646 8 View
According to this link --> http://www.webopedia.com/TERM/B/big_data_analytics.html “Big data analytics is the process of collecting, organizing and analyzing large sets of data (called big...
10 October 2016 721 13 View
10 October 2016 3,641 5 View
Following link shows the definition of Narrow / Weak...
10 October 2016 4,258 2 View
Do you think is unethical or is his / her right for an ISI journal editor to ask a reviewer to stop reviewing after the editor has decided just a few days before the deadline is due for the...
09 September 2016 9,942 10 View
Can the leadership skills be displayed by young children from age 5-12 i.e. in the level of preschool or elementary / primary school? If yes, what appropriate instrument we should use to measure...
06 June 2016 8,428 3 View
Some people claim they / others can travel backward to time through time machine. Is there any scientific proof / empirical evidence that time machine exists? Do you think travel back to time is...
06 June 2016 6,266 2 View
From my personal experience, I can see things in 3 dimensions, I can communicate and interact with others in my dreams. Can we do the following while inside our dream: Can we see what we see in...
06 June 2016 1,489 6 View
In order to lead, a leader needs followers. We always heard the question "are leaders born or made?" What do you think - are followers born or made? Can a follower transforms to become a leader...
05 May 2016 2,255 2 View
It’s in the question. Please share your thought. Thanks.
04 April 2016 6,720 4 View
In order to motivate a person to do something, generally we can use “carrot or stick” approach (see picture below). In academic research, generally do you agreed “publish or perish” is a “stick”...
02 February 2016 1,434 6 View
When a person is in Maslow’s low level needs e.g. physiological & safety needs will s/he subscribes moral philosophies like Utilitarianism, Natural Rights Theory etc.? When a person is in...
01 January 2016 6,918 6 View
What is DNA Printing? How DNA Printing Works? What are the examples of Use Cases for DNA Printing? What are the challenges face in performing DNA Printing? Feel free to share your professional or...
06 June 2015 4,161 0 View
What is 4D Printing? What are the examples of Use Cases for 4D Printing? What are the Challenges face in 4D Printing? Feel free to share your professional or academician’s thoughts.
06 June 2015 5,933 3 View
Through inductive questions we ask in RG posts and answers (considered as transcribed text) received from RG members, can we based on these inputs (questions & answers) available in RG to...
05 May 2015 3,509 5 View
Can writing and publishing articles / conference proceedings (extracted portions of a PhD thesis) improves a PhD student’s performance in his or her final thesis writing? If yes why writing and...
04 April 2015 4,545 3 View
In your view what are the main differences between 3D printing and traditional manufacturing? What are the advantages & disadvantages of 3D Printing & Traditional Manufacturing? Do you...
03 March 2015 2,265 36 View
Some people say VMI is coined based on the concept of Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI), what is your definition of VMI? Do you think VMI is practical? What are the use cases for VMI? Do you...
02 February 2015 4,596 5 View
With the advancements of IT in the areas of big data analytics, Internet of Thing, mobility technologies, cloud computing, social networking and security, how these technologies can help in...
01 January 2015 4,699 0 View
When an author completed his or her article & submitting to journals for reviewing & publishing, s/he likely to encounter statements like “your article has not been and will not be...
01 January 2015 9,262 14 View
What is Cloud Robotics? How robots benefit from / interact with Cloud Computing? What are Cloud Robotics’ Use Cases? What are the components required to build Cloud Robotics?
01 January 2015 1,105 10 View
As researchers or academicians, do you agreed on the idea “Publish or Perish”?
12 December 2014 1,526 5 View
Beside ResearchGate, Academia, Mendeley, what are the other social networking websites available in the Internet for Researchers / Academicians?Among these social networking websites, which one do...
12 December 2014 4,650 2 View
To some people, non-academicians like commercial / industry practitioners normally have less time or less opportunity to write / co-author with others to publish articles. May be non-academicians...
12 December 2014 1,253 1 View
Is it true that ITPA will generate cost saving for IT Outsourcing Service Providers? Some people commented that outsourced to countries with lower labor cost can deliver the IT services cheaper...
12 December 2014 7,111 6 View
Can we use Big Data Analytics to process the vast pool of data from ResearchGate website? How to use Big Data Analytics to process the vast pool of unstructured data from ResearchGate website?What...
11 November 2014 612 0 View
What are the differences between Cloud Computing and Software Defined Data Center (SDDC)? and Why? Is SDDC a subset of Cloud Computing? and Why?
11 November 2014 4,257 0 View
Do you think academicians / researchers with higher RG score will have impact on their academic careers in universities e.g. promotion, pay increment, more time to conduct research, travel to more...
11 November 2014 9,434 2 View
In order to answer the above question empirically, I need to conduct a research and survey on using porter five forces & technology acceptance model to predict cloud computing adoption among...
11 November 2014 1,587 1 View
Is theology part of social science, liberal arts etc or is a separate entity / study by itself? and Why?
10 October 2014 4,598 4 View
Why IT Outsourcing Service Providers want to implement and roll out cloud computing as part of their IT service delivery / enhancement to their customers? How cloud computing can impact IT service...
10 October 2014 9,784 0 View
What is Corporate DNA? Is there any difference among Corporate DNA vs Corporate Culture vs Organizational Culture? How to characterize and formalize the attributes of Corporate DNA i.e. is it...
10 October 2014 2,846 0 View
Want to seek opinion from university academicians whether IT Mgmt research like using theories of Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), TPB, TPA, UTAUT, Delone & McLean IS Success Model etc based...
09 September 2014 6,420 1 View
In conjunction with the above, can someone provide insights on the following: 1. What are all the different names pertaining to VB-SEM and CB-SEM e.g. VB-SEM also called Partial Least Squares,...
07 July 2014 7,310 10 View