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Questions related to SDS-PAGE
I know I cannot pour silver staining waste down the sink, but how should I dispose of it? Thank you in advance!
19 November 2020 2,006 3 View
Hi everyone, Been doing western blots for years now, recently however, whenever I run 2 gels, one of the gels would have a few lanes that exhibit wavy or smudgy bands at around 50 kDa (see...
17 November 2020 4,229 11 View
Hi all, I'm working on bacteriocine! My proteins don't want to seperate, i m trying 120V for 4 hours, and 7.5% is the concentration of my concentration gel. Do you have any suggestions for me to...
13 November 2020 2,425 5 View
i'm working on protein evaluation in flour of wheat and others legumes.....I'm using SDS-PAGE. However those days (about two weeks ago) i foudd nothing in the gels (no bands), i dont know what's...
12 November 2020 2,522 3 View
i am working with sap proteins which were not visible on SDS-PAGE, i was just able to see the band by using Tris Tricine Gel. Now i am confused if i use SDS-PAGE in 2D will i be able to see the...
05 November 2020 5,701 4 View
In our laboratory we have a problem with SDS Page technique, we have tried different sample concentration, the buffer that we use isn't expired and the pad that we put in the chamber is MOPS 1x,...
29 October 2020 9,743 6 View
Hello I am doing phage propagation using s. aureus for the first time but the phage titer is very low! then when I did the EOP no plaques were observed, I use 200 μl of both phage lysate and...
29 October 2020 9,327 5 View
Total proteins are to be extracted from Adenovirus-infected A549 cells. Pellet sizes range from roughly 1,000,000 cells to 4,000,000 cells. What would be the ideal amount of lysis buffer...
27 October 2020 9,954 2 View
Hello everyone, Hope all are fine. I have a doubt about SDS-PAGE. I have done 4 gels (details were given in the attachment file) for the same known targeted protein contains two bands. In all the...
23 October 2020 4,812 7 View
Hello, I am working on a recombinant protein expressed in the form of inclusion bodies for my bachelor thesis. After solubilization and refolding I performed an SDS-PAGE and to confirm the...
22 October 2020 5,550 8 View
I tried to express my protein in BL21(DE3) bacteria. The desired protein MW is 65.5 KDa and I know my protein will be in an insoluble form (inclusion body). I separate soluble and insoluble...
21 October 2020 4,220 8 View
Recombinant collagen 8A1(Col8A1) is expressed and purified from HEK293 cells. It runs at ~250kDa under non-reducing condition on SDS-PAGE, but why is it dissociating into a single chain (70kDa) on...
20 October 2020 6,032 2 View
Hi, I have some questions about the electrophoresis and transfer condition. In our lab, we used 15% gel to SDS-page and semi-dry transfer In electrophoresis, i migrated the stacking gel in 80 V...
15 October 2020 4,317 2 View
I've noticed that when someone tries to look for the virus outside the humans' bodies they can't find any serious quantaty or massive signature. Even in the hospitals (frontline) of China doctors...
12 October 2020 3,926 7 View
Hi everyone, I am purifying an 18 kDa protein (his-tag). The protein expresses very well and I am able to get a clean 18kDa band in SDS Page gel after purification (attached picture). However,...
12 October 2020 3,447 6 View
Hi, I'm writing my master's thesis on the characterization of human proteins which I express and purify from E. coli. I'm performing western blot to verify my protein, but the protein standard...
07 October 2020 1,240 5 View
I was expressing a protein in Ecoli BL21 and did the following purification steps: 1- GST purification (Pierce™ Glutathione Agarose 16100) 2- GST tag cleavage (Presscission protease: Genscript...
06 October 2020 631 7 View
Hello everyone, I am having trouble isolating and purifying an extracellular protein which I have expressed in E.coli. I have induced my protein at 0.5 mM IPTG by incubating it at 37 degrees for...
03 October 2020 8,475 3 View
As we study from the previous letrature. The viruses cannot die its only deactivates and when it find its host, than it replicate inside.. As virus is obligate nature. So if the corona virus only...
03 October 2020 8,771 2 View
Dear researchers, May I know since my protein bands cannot be seen clearly, can I done negative staining on SDS-PAGE before carry out In gel trypsination ? Thank you.
30 September 2020 4,851 3 View
Dear researchers, I have a problem on SDS-PAGE. My protein concentration of plant protein extract is about 0.7032 µg/µL. After that, I mix 28µL of sample with 7µL of 4x sample buffer to load...
28 September 2020 8,871 10 View
Hello everyone, I am isolating adhesion complexes and wanted to confirm the presence of a specific protein in the isolated complex. When I performed western bott, I got a band at the right size...
20 September 2020 738 7 View
I am using Chaperone Competent Cell BL21 from Takara, pGro7/BL21 , but it is not clear on the protocol how and when I should induce the expression of the chaperones with L-arabinose. First time I...
15 September 2020 8,718 3 View
Hi guys, I am purifying a protein by Ni-NTA column, but I am getting two bands in SDS-PAGE. What do you know to fix this problem? Please.
13 September 2020 1,919 13 View