17 November 2020 11 4K Report

Hi everyone,

Been doing western blots for years now, recently however, whenever I run 2 gels, one of the gels would have a few lanes that exhibit wavy or smudgy bands at around 50 kDa (see images). Everything upwards is fine. The other gel however, displays great bands at the same MW region. I have tried using buffers from fellow colleagues and their equipment such as gel tanks and power packs and I still have this problem. Staining with Ponceau S can reveal the existence of the problem to suggest it's either a running or transfer issue and I have so far exhausted as far as I know, most troubleshooting options such as running buffer pH and using fresh buffers. Both gels run on SDS-PAGE properly without any visible problems at 90V throughout, with a semi-dry transfer (Turbo from Bio-rad).

My running buffer (1X) is composed of 25 mM Tris, 192 mM Glycine and 0.1% (w/v) SDS. For lysis buffers I use RIPA.

Any input or solutions from this great community would be great!

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