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Questions related to PEAKS
I am mixing moo3 with carbon material and kept it under autoclave for hydrothermal 180 c 6 hours, observed the formation of a green solvent after taking the hydrothermal reaction. I added 0.25...
13 March 2021 200 0 View
Hi everyone, I've been working on the detectability of alpha-defensin in urine for some months now and there is one thing i cant quite wrap my head around. The variety in brightness of the peaks...
09 March 2021 7,056 1 View
The Raman spectrum of propylene was obtained by experiment, but the measured Raman peaks were different from those described in the book "Vibrational Spectra and Structure of Polyatomic...
09 March 2021 2,472 8 View
Does anyone know why do we have a set of additional, unassigned peaks in 2D 1H-15N HSQC spectra? I know unassigned peaks usually are side chains, but I am not 100% sure.
05 March 2021 1,166 1 View
Hi all, I am having a issue with my FTIR spectra as some of the peaks seem to be inverted (I repeated this experiment in a different day and the peaks seemed to be normal then).
05 March 2021 8,102 5 View
The figure shows DSC cooling (blue) and 2nd heating (green) curves (step: 10 K/min) for a commercial sample supplied as Atactic Polypropylene (APP). The heating curve illustrates two major...
04 March 2021 6,311 3 View
i have recorded raman spectra of strontium oxide thin film. the spectra were recorded in the range 400 to 4000 cm-1. i have reference to peaks upto 1000cm-1. but i couldn't find literature for...
27 February 2021 2,942 1 View
When I measured the cyclic voltammogram of palladium in the pbs solution, two reduction peaks appeared. This did not match the literature I saw. Why? And how can I find the possible reaction...
21 February 2021 2,810 3 View
I measure the wavelength of material in a spectrophotometer and it peaks at 275 and its absorbance is 100. I mix it with an adsorbent and it adsorbs the first material, but when I measure the...
17 February 2021 7,835 5 View
If the intensity of two peaks in the X-ray pattern is the same, which peak is used to calculate the crystalline size in the Scherer formula? and why?
27 January 2021 5,361 5 View
Is it possible to conclude that increasing the intensity of FT-IR peaks represents an increment of functional groups or interaction between functional groups? Any suggestion would be highly...
21 January 2021 8,272 3 View
I have a xrd pattern, in that i suspect that one of the peak may be due to SL, i want to understand how to confirm it or reject it
08 January 2021 5,903 3 View
I measured the size of nanobubbles using Malvern zetasizer ZS. Due to the unreliability of the average size (polydispersity index is high > 0.5 but < 0.1 is the acceptable value), I have to...
06 January 2021 2,003 3 View
When I use multimode fiber to guide the quantum dot ensemble photoluminescence signal to my Horiba FHR100 spectrometer. I always get a spectrum with periodic peaks as pic.jpg . It looks like the...
27 December 2020 6,687 1 View
Somewhere in papers, it is written as Mn 2p3/2 XPS spectra can be deconvoluted into four peaks at 640.83, 641.92, 642.97 and 644.56 eV assigned to Mn(II), Mn(III), Mn(IV), and the shakeup peak,...
25 December 2020 4,611 4 View
Dear All, I have prepared trimetallic PdAgNi nanoparticles supported on carbon in addition to their monometallic Pd/C and Ag/C counterparts. I am having some issues with the XRD pattern with the...
24 December 2020 8,251 3 View
if the percentage of doping Au into rGO is too small 1~10%, is it not enough to prevent restacking of r-GO in xrd results, rGO peak appeared at 22.2 and also the peaks of gold nanoparticles so...
22 December 2020 6,461 3 View
When characterized with XRD , my prepared sample show peaks which are broader(bottom) than crystalline peaks but unlike amorphous materials, have sharp top. Is there any limit of intensity or full...
16 December 2020 1,154 4 View
Hi, I'm working on cyclic voltammetry (CV) using a chemical. The result was hard to explain as the CV showed a broad oxidation peak and a sharp reduction peak. Additionally, those peaks were...
08 December 2020 9,121 2 View
I have some DMA curves of PC+ABS from different batches. The PC loss modulus peak is fairly consistent but one batch has a peak value 10degC lower than the rest. Another peaks at the normal value,...
07 December 2020 1,117 2 View
Hi everyone, I am doing a quality control for NGS libraries using bioanalzyer 2100 from Agilent. The machine worked for me for almost two years without any problem, with regular cleaning and...
30 November 2020 1,113 0 View
Hello, I am analyzing 37 component FAME mix using GC. I have got 37 peaks and 25 of them show expected order and height. However, others are not in the similar order with the reference for same...
23 November 2020 7,297 4 View
My high resolution rocking curve data of single crystal specimen gives multiple peaks in a single peak or multiple peaks spread over a few degrees contrary to the observation of single sharp peak...
17 November 2020 6,949 4 View
Want to know the method for the seperation of GC peak btw MMA and dioxane which are showing the same B.P. like 101oC
16 November 2020 974 3 View